Oil and Cold Wax on Paper
38" x 50"
in process
Ok, well this painting just won't stop. It has changed radically several times, and all you can probably recognize from it's last posted version, are the small glimpses of pink and yellow shining through here and there. I was just not satisfied with the palette, or the composition. Neither felt right, so I have been working and re-working it. This is where I am now - swinging back close to where I have been before, but wanting to be here as it feels unfinished still, and like where I need to be. I feel the tension between the surface and the illusion of depth - still intrigued by this palette with its beautiful darks and greys, and ochre light. These colors bring me to the sky, transitions of storm and light, day and night. Back to work - still going...
Double click on image for a better read of the surface.
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